You can derive current time in String format from Calendar class and use it to display using Swing. You can use swing widgets such as JFrame, JPanel, JButtons. You need to create digital clock using swing API. This is one of the simple java projects for beginners. You can refer the GitHub repository of the project here to view the design and code: Calculator Project (Go to src-> main-> to view the main class) 4. This a fun Project rather than an easier one to start with. To build the UI of the calculator we use Swing in Java and using the application window it becomes easier to design the Interface. This is also among the basic projects every beginner should lay his hand upon to implement this. You can refer the GitHub repository of the project here to view the design and code: Temperature convertor Here, you can use following units for temperature conversions. This project is similar to currency converter. Temperature Converter in Java using Swing You can refer the code here: Currency Converter. So without further ado let us look at these projects, we have ranked them accordingly with respect to their level from Easy to Medium to Difficult. If you are able to translate this in practical then it will give you the opportunity to prepare yourself for a job. It is important to build projects as it is the only way to know whether you have a practical grasp of the theory you’ve studied.

Chat Application using Web-Socket in Spring-Boot (Type -Difficult) Electricity Billing System (Type -Medium) Course Fee Report Management System using Swing, MySQL and JDBC. Basic Java Projects for beginners (Type – Easy).

So it begs the questions: What is Java used for? What has already been created with Java? And finally: What can I create using Java? All of these questions are answered below. You may not know this, but Java can be used to create many different types of programs. Yet, I’m sure this level of programming is not the end goal for you. Odds are, you’re printing some concatenated strings, making a basic calculator, and playing with loops, arrays, and other logical statements. If you’re just starting out learning Java, you’re probably not programming the next billion-dollar app just yet. Therefore, this will be one of the best resources as you’re beginning to learn Java. Learning to code is only 10% reading and watching videos and 90% hands-on programming. I knew I wasn’t the only one, so I compiled a list of 10 of the best Java projects for beginners with full tutorials to boot. When I was just beginning to learn Java, I was looking for some projects to help solidify what I had already learned.